Screenshot 2019-08-21 13.31.34.png
B&H Photo Corporate Offices
Screenshot 2019-08-21 13.31.34.png
B&H Photo Corporate Offices
B&H Photo Corporate Offices

(440 9th Avenue, NYC)

The new B&H Photo corporate offices occupy intermediate four floors in the existing NYC hi-rise building, with the total area of 80,000 square feet.

The long-term lease agreement precluded independent from the base building MEP services and systems. On every floor, the client dedicated room with the outdoor wall exposure for the floor air cooled air handling unit. The implemented Variable Air System provided both efficient cooling and heating and comfort control for different floor zones. At the start of the project, the client informed us B&H Photo always had and has problems with the Air conditioning, because the most employees of the B&H Photo belong to the orthodox Jewish community, and are wearing heavy clothes all year around.

To solve this problem our design used Fan Powered In Series VAV terminals with constant air supply to the zone. The effect of the air movement let reducing the zone supply temperature and varied primary air supply.